Tag Archives: cotillion

#5 Follow Me – Aly-Us (Shotgun Wedding’s 1993 TOP TEN Countdown)

(SCROLL DOWN for Showtimes and Ticket Info!)

I’m hoping… to see a day.

Don’t lie. You KNOW the moves to this one. Even if you want to act like you don’t, your feet give you away. This is part of your heritage and this blood is coarsing through your veins. Try as you may — you end up doing THE ELECTRIC SLIDE when the DJ plays ‘Follow Me’ by Aly-Us.

You could be at a 18th birthday Debut, a semi-formal, a prom or a (shotgun) wedding but regardless the venue, the moves are the same. Four steps to the right, four steps to the left, four steps back and then rock back two times and dip two times… aaaaand repeat. Throw in some spins and a few floor kicks and you’re looking MINT. In 1993, if you didn’t know The Electric Slide you probably didn’t get invited to the party.

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Most Memorable GTA Debut Venue?

OK, just so you think this blog isn’t ALL about 90s memories. It is, after all, a blog about ‘Shotgun Wedding: The Musical’. I’m also supposed to by updating you on progress.

Today was a major step. We booked our venue for the 2011 Fringe Festival. ‘Shotgun Wedding’ will have its very first extended run this summer, July 6 to 17 to be exact. So you will all have a chance to see it. 11 shows worth. Call your babysitters now.

Where is it taking place, might you ask? Here.

... yeah. you KNOW you want to do the Electric Slide on this floor.

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