Tag Archives: where are they now

Where Are They Now?: All-4-One

You know the song. You’ve made fun of it probably in the past year. You laugh at that scene in the Ryan Reynolds movie ‘Just Friends’ when he sings it in while wearing a fat suit. And still, when it comes on the radio (on CHFI) — YOU KNOW EVERY WORD. And when someone at the office catches you, you deny it: No, I hate that song…


You know you secretly love it.

‘Where Are They Now?’ is going to be a new installment of this blog, where I catch you up with an artist, group or personality that mattered to the world of 1993. In a lot of cases, these people are still around, doing their thing. Who knows, you might just find that they haven’t changed all that much… which in this day and age, can be a good thing. Any suggestions? Please feel free to post them here and I’ll use my super Google powers to hunt them down. Just like I did these guys:

... they swear.

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